Richard Harris
Co Founder
My career in Sport Science, Strength and Conditioning (S&C) and CrossFit began during my A Levels, when hilariously my passion for knowing the science behind exercise began to develop, all whilst I was heading to University to study Design and Technology! After having successful interviews at Universities such as Loughborough and Brunel, I realised I was in the wrong field, and hence I then began to re-educate myself so I could attend University but to study Sport and Exercise Science.
It was at University that Sport & Exercise Science as well as S&C became my passion and hobby. I am not ashamed to admit, I am a nurd! I love to learn every single day, and find the human body a fascinating organism that is capable of SO much more than we even realise.
More than 14 years on from starting my degree, my passion hasn't changed, and alongside the science behind the human body, I have a keen interest in sleep and human behaviour change. As the tribe will attest too, I am constantly preaching the importance of sleep, as well as the power of the environment in creating good habits!
My personal health and CrossFit goal is longevity. Although I am ultra competitive with myself, I have learned through experience that we will never be perfect (not easy for a perfectionist!). We simply cannot be at 100% all of the time, and 50% of something is far better than 100% of nothing. There are many people out there who want to be our enemies, so don't be yours!
Trust the process. Improve by 1% every single day. Be consistent.
BSc Sport and Exercise Science: First Class with honours
Coaching Qualifications
Certified CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
British Weightlifting (BWL) Assistant Weightlifting Coach Level 1
UKSCA Weightlifting for Sports Performance
UKSCA Plyometrics, Agility and Speed
UKSCA Planning Effective Programmes
Functional Gymnastics Trainer CrossFit
Favourite Hobby!
Too many to list, but probably walking and exploring the great outdoors, and finding amazing local eateries!
Athletic Background
Favourite Quote (again too many to list!)
"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom"
Viktor Frankl